
First Round of Public Engagement

26 June 2024

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In 2023 MACOG secured a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant to create a Regional Transportation Safety Action Plan. The SS4A project will identify and prioritize approaches to eliminate roadway fatalities and serious injuries within the four-county MACOG region (Elkhart, Kosciusko, Marshall, and St. Joseph).

"Ensuring the safety of all roadway users is a key commitment at MACOG. Whether you walk, bike, or drive, you should feel confident and secure in reaching your destination," says MACOG Executive Director James Turnwald.

Transportation Director, Caitlin Stevens says, “We are eager to hear from people in the communities! This safety action plan is a data driven collaborative effort led by stakeholders from around the region in both rural and urban areas. But some of the most valuable data points are likely to come from the people traveling in our communities. Community experiences, stories, and ideas will shape and define the policies, programs, and projects that make up the plan and inform the vision for our communities moving forward.”

An online tool that allows you to add points on a map and note the safety concerns you have experienced or observed there. Additionally, there is a short survey to help us better understand how people are moving through the community and what safety concerns they encounter. Please follow these links to share your experiences and ideas:

· English

· Spanish

The project team is organizing pop-up engagement events specifically in communities of people that are disproportionately impacted by fatal and incapacitating crashes, including people who are physically challenged and in a racial minority in Indiana. Engagement events provide people from these communities an opportunity to participate in-person at places they regularly visit. If you’d like to recommend a location or are interested in co-facilitating a pop-up event, please follow this link to provide venue information to the project team. We look forward to hearing and learning about how we can make our streets a safer for all travelers!

For more information, and to stay updated on the latest SS4A efforts with MACOG, please visit: